A downloadable game

Take on a city of agressive mechs in high speed combat. 

Made in 14 days for Mech Jam V.

WebGL disabled because of audio issues, sorry. No pause or options menu either. I slipped up on that one, ran out of time. Use ALT-F4 to get out of it. 


To shoot, hold right click to aim then lift click to fire. 

Left shift - sprint / boost (hover mode)

Left control - shield

Left mouse click - swing sword / fire gun if aiming

Right mouse click - aim with gun

F - Toggle hover mode

Q - (Hover mode) Lower

E - (Hover mode) Higher

R - Reload

Keypad 1, 2, 3 - Select weapon (if found)

Music - BlackFira

Sound - Benjamin Hoisne

Programming / Modelling - Nefylem

Audio Engine: FMOD Studio by Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd.


SafeGuard.zip 48 MB

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